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gate series
original ink & watercolor © Janet Piedilato

The Gate of the Alchemical Feast

With Dr Janet Piedilato wearing her culinary chef persona crowned by her imaginal rolling pin…..

Come and discover the hidden rituals within the making…

Preparation, and presentation of the offering, the gifts from the kitchen that bring aroma to the kitchen and love overflowing to all who partake.

Who comes to our feast? Beyond separation of the flesh there is no limit, no restrictions upon the beloved who join us in the kitchen entering the ritual of the making, alive with the remembered. Come open the gate to the alchemical feast!

Friday April 17, 7:30 pm a FREE Zoom presentation


Enter the romance of the story that bridges yesterday and the beyond to grace today.

Included is a recipe of making…     

No events at the moment
dream gate
original ink & watercolor © Janet Piedilato

Dream Gate 101: Deciphering the riddles of the night …

Agenda: Dreams, Imagery, and Tarot: The Mystical Dream Tarot: Studying the images as the language of altered consciousness. 

The dream image is a messenger from the subliminal space whose arrival into waking consciousness communicates something once hidden. Yet what is communicated is like the riddle of the ancient Oracle. Too often the meaning escapes us, leaving us puzzled. With our attention we can come to embrace the challenge deciphering the message. Using examples from the bestselling Mystical Dream Tarot deck, we shall work with our personal dreams to decipher their messages. Bring a dream to work with! I will share the tarot images through Zoom.

May 2, Saturday, 1- 3 on Zoom  Fee $25.

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The Shamanic Gate of Moon:

A virtual journey, a waking dream beyond time and space

Come! Together let us explore the inner realms of magic!

Come and explore the shamanic/active imagination ship of travel.

On the wings of imagination we can travel beyond the limits of waking reality. Come and together let us move beyond the Moon Gate to explore the inner realm of being. There is a whole world waiting. Best yet there are no limitations blocking our travel, no need to leave the security of our own homes and risk our physical well being.

Who knows what adventures and magic lay ahead?

Come, reserve your place! Get your virtual password to venture beyond the Moon Gate.

“Open Sesame!” ……and…….enter the endless abode of being.


May 9th, 2020, 9am-4pm Eastern


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may 9

Original ink and water color print© by J. Piedilato

The Dream Gate of Horn

Every night we open our eyes to the world of dream

We wake and wonder…..what do the dreams tell us?

Sleep, blessed sleep. We put our heads down, closing our eyes seeking the peaceful restorative quiet, the blissful state of sleep. Our thoughts still and we drift into an alternate world of dreams. Through the Gate of Horn we travel to distant landscapes meeting often strange and perplexing experiences. Sometimes we revisit the very same places over and again during our nightly adventures. Sometimes our visits are strangely seductive, powerfully calling us to hear an unspoken message. Yet how do be begin to understand? Are dreams pure fantasy or something else, something more mystical and important? Do the dreams have a message? How can we understand?

Come and approach the Gate of Horn, the gate of transition into the realm of truth. Come and investigate the amazing world of dreams, exploring their reality and message.


June 13, 2020, 9am-4pm Eastern


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Original ink and water color print© by J. Piedilato

The Imaginal Gate of Tarot

A question spoken, Cards laid out in a row, breath held

What do we see?

What meaning do we glean from the cards that fall?

Who is not intrigued by a set of tarot cards and its mysterious manner of revealing the hidden? Centuries of humanity and thousands of tarot cards have entertained our ancestors during the best and worst of times. Why? Why do we go to the cards? And how might we begin to understand their seductive nature? Do they tell us of the future or do they perhaps help us to source answers from the depths of our own personal psyche? Come….let us explore together. The Mystery and magic of a special kind of tarot….one that investigates the images that look up at us from the cards. Let us explore the Mystical Dream Tarot and its unique connection to our own personal depths.



July 11, 2020, 9am-4pm Eastern


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Original ink and water color print© by J. Piedilato


Original watercolor © by J. Piedilato

The Gate of the Oracle Within:

A shamanic pilgrimage to the hidden place of wisdom, deep inside our being

Come and join Dr. Janet Piedilato in a seven week workshop.

Awaken and remember the voice within. 

The itinerary and passport to the Gate of the Oracle Within :

7 sessions via online Zoom. Each 2 hours, from 7-9 PM Eastern Time.


Taped sessions available to view for individuals who cannot attend live.

Each session shall commence with a ritual of opening our collective space and desire for wisdom and learning. We shall end each session with a ritual of gratitude. 

Consecutive dates beginning Wednesday May 27th ending July 8. 2020

  • May 27

  • June 3

  • June 10

  • June 17

  • June 24

  • July 1

  • July 8

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Passport Fee: $180.

Each one of us lives in two worlds.  We wake and walk on the landscape of waking reality, caring for our families and our careers.  Yet there is another world inside us, one that gives us views of an alternate reality, a landscape which takes us far and communicates with us of ancestors and of yet unrevealed new experiences.  

We participate in both worlds, and yet often we ignore the inner reality which stays confined to our dream or visionary time.  Few pay attention to the thoughts that “pop”: into consciousness causing us to pause and for a moment wonder about their strangeness. Likewise we wake upon the wave of sleep which crashes upon our morning like huge waves upon some distant shore. The dreams of the alternate reality crash and rise to be lost in the mists.

Yet it was not always so with our ancestors.  The alternate reality was married to waking reality and together entered into shining light on the pilgrimage of life. 

The citizens of the past honored this alternate reality as they sought information that rose from it, either in dreams or from others who freely entered the dream or visionary state ushering in an experience of the inner reality.  The shaman of tribal communities all over the world honored this alternate reality as well. 

This alternate reality exists in every one of us. Its value is immeasurable.  It merely awaits our attention in order to remember its existence and that we take the steps to enter and begin our journey to understand its wisdom in aiding us in understanding better ourselves and our place in the cosmos. 

Original watercolor © by J. Piedilato 


Dr Janet Piedilato has spent a lifetime walking within the two worlds. Her desire to understand more of the entire nature of the visionary and dream experiences led her early on to a course of study in parapsychology with Dream Expert Dr Stanley Krippner, who remains her dear mentor and companion in this lifetime pursuit. Combining her premed studies with that of the psyche brought her into the circle of father of parapsychology J. B Rhine and the Institute for the Study on the Nature of Man where she investigated mediumship, past life regression, dream work, and psychic pre cognition.  She ceaselessly studied in an attempt to understand her natural abilities and thus moved beyond her first doctorate in the biological sciences to a second doctorate in transpersonal psychology where she entered the advanced shamanic studies program at the Foundation for Shamanic Studies with anthropologist and shamanic explorers Michael and Sandra Harner. 

Empowered by the knowledge that she was not alone in her lifelong altered state and dream experiences she continued her quest with Harvard University’s William James scholar Eugene Taylor receiving her doctorate in transpersonal psychology.  Her studies continue and shall never end as she is dedicated to learn more and more through the lens of both the inner and outer realities. Her life has taken her to many places and yet what she most treasured was her beloved family.  For the most part her work was done in the quiet circle of family.  As the river of time flows her loved ones each passed through the gate of the Afterlife, predeceasing her.  Her journey is not done as the time has arrived for her to share what a lifetime of experience and study have revealed. Here in the The Gate of the Oracle Within she offers  her guidance opening the doors of perception to offer each a glimpse of the treasures of the Oracle, awaiting each of us…..She is here to show us the way and to safely guide us to the landscape she knows so well. 

Original watercolor © by J. Piedilato 

The imagery that arises is clothed in that which best speaks to us at any one time and place. In the end as the image is merely the language of the beyond, what is related joins all of us beyond time and space to the same reality, one that transcends our ability to pin it down, to define it in the constraints of waking reality language.  It is mysterious and eternal. No time. No past, present, or future…merely a tie to our origin and our destination, and along the way, a light to help us navigate our incarnational path through life.    

Each of us is called to enter beyond the Gate of the Oracle. Each is called to take the road, to remember who we really are.  For those who wish to answer the call Dr. Piedilato invites you to join in this extraordinary seven week pilgrimage…..


During these seven weeks we shall learn shamanic techniques of altering waking consciousness in service of our healing, and empowerment seeking our entry through the Gate of the Oracle Within.  

In antiquity our ancestors visited Oracles in an attempt to get assistance with the ordinary problems of everyday existence, of health, love, marriage, fertility, and finance. While the powerful rulers sought direction in battle and political strategies, for the common folk, the simple issues of everyday provided the meat of their petitions.  In tribal communities an individual, medicine person or seer, a shaman, enters the altered reality in service of his or her community upon which the spiritual and tribal beliefs play a role in the experiences and the nature of the imagery which arrives in the visions. This is true of any altered state. The imagery that rises speaks directly to the seer. We do not seek to replicate that of another culture but rather we honor our own heritage. As the imagery points beyond itself to a truth it represents, in the end we all access the very same landscape. Yet as we speak many different languages in waking reality, our inner reality likewise presents in the language of the image which can vary widely. 


Dr Piedilato presents her unique view of the process of altering consciousness, bringing it forward to honor our place in society today. It is perhaps 

“Shamanism for the modern seeker, entering the imaginal, the territory of mental landscape in service of better understanding ourselves and our personal incarnational role”  

It transcends any one particular world or religious view as it honors each individual along with their own spirituality and beliefs. The teaching is about accessing the Oracle Within.  It is not about setting dogma. Neither it is about what should or should not be found according to some prescribed         “–ology” which works for a distant people populated by different cultural beliefs.  We are all joined in the landscape within. 

Original watercolor © by J. Piedilato

The Gate of the Oracle Within

This offering begins by introducing the shamanic process leading us to a successful arrival at our destination, the  Oracle Within, entering the imaginal mental landscape through shamanic journeying,  a process of altering consciousness by which we turn our focus from the external environment to that of the inner landscape.  We shall empower this process through the use of additional imagery using the Mystical Dream Tarot cards which portray images that rose directly from the Oracle Within. They shall act as an adjunct to opening our imagination to the visual landscape that awaits us within…. 


As the messages, the images that surface from the Oracle within are not straight forward it takes devotion and patience in learning their language. . Their appearance is only a beginning of a story. They are incomplete and filled with ambiguity calling to us to dig deeply in deciphering their messages. Like the message of the Oracles of Antiquity, they are riddles which invite us to look beneath their surface into the depths of their meanings. Using the imagery that rose from visionary experience and is available to us for inquiry we shall begin our pilgrimage

Truth seeking places responsibility upon the seeker….

The portal  to The Gate of the Oracle Within awaits 

The itinerary and passport to the Gate of the Oracle Within :

7 sessions via online Zoom. Each 2 hours, from 7-9 PM Eastern Time.


Taped sessions available to view for individuals who cannot attend live.

Each session shall commence with a ritual of opening our collective space and desire for wisdom and learning. We shall end each session with a ritual of gratitude. 

Consecutive dates beginning Wednesday May 27th ending July 8. 2020

  • May 27

  • June 3

  • June 10

  • June 17

  • June 24

  • July 1

  • July 8

Passport fee: $180 USD

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